Friday, December 31, 2010

Au Revoir 2010!!!

Well, 2010 is coming to a close and 2011 is over the horizon. I would like to say 2010 brought a lot of new experiences (good experiences) in my life this year. I became way more confident and learned to become more social. I got to travel somewhere without my mom for the first time too! It was awesome!! My first time doing an internship was an absolute blast!!! Also getting my passport was exciting and the plans for using it in the near future!!

Now it's time to think ahead to the next year and there are soo many things that are going to happen 2011.

-Become fluent in French.

- Graduating from college.

- Traveling to Europe...this time as an adult.

- Also, if I don't procrastinate, start Grad school.

-Go to Vegas

Those are the most important things that I would like to accomplish in 2011, but I'm always open to other things as well!!

So, au revoir 2010 et bonjour 2011!!!!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Happy Holidays

For Christmas this year me, my mom and my dog Tess, went down to Charleston, SC to our family. I had sooo much fun!!! And the food was absolutely delicious!! There were some problems on Christmas day, but once they were solved everything became cheerful again!!

I wished I had alot of pictures to put on here, but I'll remember next time.

Anyhoo, I hoped everyone had a great Christmas and wonderful New Years!!

And I also have a new favorite Christmas song from my favorite band Coldplay!! It's called "Christmas Lights"

Here it is: