Thursday, June 9, 2011

*UPDATE* War on Clutter

I just wanted to say, my room is still clean. Yea, yea, I know it has only been a day, but that is like a record for me. But we'll see how I do after a......month? Hmmm.....maybe a week. Yea, a week is better. A month would be the REAL test.

*stay tuned*

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

War on Clutter!!!

*grabs sword and shield*

Well, more like dust rag and vacuum cleaner, but that is how my day felt. I woke up this morning and realized my room was a MESS!!! There was clothes, shoes and hair accessories everywhere!! I came to a realization that it was time to finally tackle this clutter situation before it got worst. And believe was borderline disaster zone! Another reason I finally decided to do away with all the clutter and other nonsense, is to help create a clean slate for myself mentally as well. What I mean is that by creating a clutter-free environment, I'll be able to finally think clearly. If that makes any sense. Anywayz, by removing the distraction in my room, I now can focus on being more active in my social life and thinking more about my future. To be honest, after picking up all my clothes, my room did feel a little bit more airy..*takes deep breaths*'s definitely more airy. Well, my main goal is to keep my room and life clutter free....forever. *crosses fingers*

“Three Rules of Work: Out of clutter find simplicity; From discord find harmony; In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.”
~Albert Einstein