Tuesday, December 27, 2011
A Merry Merry Christmas to you!
Good evening and Merry Christmas to you all!! I just got back from seeing my family in Charleston, SC and I had a great time like always! :D
While I was there I decided to experiment with my camera some more and I was very pleased by the pictures that I took. So was my brother because he kept messing with my camera. :/
This huge tree is in the backyard of my grandmother's house and I never knew how big it was until now. I learned from one of my uncle's this past holiday weekend that my grandfather bought that land for a $1 and he said how he wanted to build a house in front of that tree. Amazing.
I hoped you all enjoyed your Christmas and I hope you have an awesome New Years!! :D
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Congratulations to Me!!
I am proud to say that I am now a college Graduate!!! This past Saturday, I graduated from the University of North Carolina in Charlotte at 3:00 pm and I could not be any happier!!
On my way to the school, I was just shaking with excitement and with anticipation. I couldn't believe that today was finally here and I couldn't wait to walk across the stage. It felt soo surreal. It was a day that felt like forever to come and finally I had my cap and gown on and was marching in with the rest of my classmates.
My heart was racing and I just couldn't stop smiling.
I am soo glad that I had the good sense to give my brother my camera to take pictures. He's a genius!
From allll the way up at the top, he was able to get a picture of me. Can you spot me in this picture? :D
I won't lie and say I paid any attention to the speeches being given, I was just ready to walk across that stage!
And finally it was time!!!
I was waaay too excited!
And just like that, it was over. One of the greatest days of my life and I truly enjoyed every single moment of it!
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Rainy Days and Lazy Mornings
Good Evening!
It rained extra hard earlier this week and I tried to take some "artistic" pics with my camera.
Hmm....probably not that artsy, but that's ok. I should probably learn to take different angles instead of the same exact landscape.
And this morning, Me and Tess weren't ready to live the warmth of the bed just yet.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Somewhere Only We Know...
Brrr!! Good Morning!! It is cold and rainy on my part of the world and I am proud to say that I have absolutely no where to go today. (Does a happy dance)
You ever listen to a song and all of a sudden you have the urge to just go somewhere? Especially, when you feeling down and all you want to do is to get away from all your problems?
Welp, that is how I feel when I hear Keane's "Somewhere Only We Know." I absolutely love this song!!! I can listen to it over and over and over again all day long if I'm able to. Every time I hear it, I picture myself somewhere very peaceful and it's like all my problems disappear for that moment in time.
Here is Glee's version of the song (I loooove Glee), I think they did wonderful job at this song.
Oh! And Tess is coming too!
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Renaissance 2011!!!
It's the time of year again where right here in Charlotte, the Renaissance comes to town!! And let me just tell you, my good friend and I always get super excited and we always have a good time too! We're just Ren Fest geeks like that...I am not ashamed!
One of my favorite things about Ren Fest is all the handcrafted things that people create and sell.
I love this incense and fragrant oil shop!! I got 15 sticks of incense for $3!!
These are from this awesome ceramic shop!! And for $850, the one on the left can be mine!!
She was a pretty good dancer and the music she was dancing to was sooo hypnotizing, but also...
She does acrobatic stunts!!
They also have live shows that encourages a lot of audience participation...which means things can get pretty crazy.
These are the Tortuga Twins and yes....there is three of them.....I never questioned their counting.
See!! Audience participation!
Those are just a couple of pictures from the hundreds of pictures that I took, but they have a lot more shows, shops, games, food (Mmm, turkey legs) and all kinds of fun things for everyone!! *sigh* I can't wait til next year.
Next year, I'm dressing up as a gypsy.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Truly Inspirational
Good evening! This past Wednesday I attended one of my good friend's, who goes by the TamaRa Nazadi (this is her blog: www.stormymonday3000.blogspot.com) art exhibit at my university. Let me just say, she her work is absolutely amazing! I knew she was good, but she truly has a gift.
Her exhibit was a dedication to Domestic Violence month and many of her pieces reflect the stories of the women that have been in abusive relationships and luckily, are now out of of them.
Here are some of the pieces that I took a pic. Enjoy!
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Come Fly with Me!!!
Good evening ya'll!!! I know awhile ago had a post about visiting Europe with one of my good friends....well as you know...that didn't happen. BUT, on the bright side I have some travel plans in the near future and that I am definitely sure I am going!!
For my birthday, me and my bestie are planning on going to New Orleans!! *excited squeal* I cannot wait!! I have always wanted to go down there to the Crescent city and dance in the streets, eat beignets, and visit the voodoo shops.
Then, another city we're thinking of visiting is New York City!!!! I have never been in my whole entire life and I just can't wait!!!
*happy sigh* October is going to be a great month!
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Brand New Camera.....
....will be here tomorrow!!! Can't wait!!!
EDIT!!!! IT'S HERE!!!!!!!! My brand new Canon PowerShot S95!!!! Of course the first thing I did with it is...well, charge the batter. *waits 2 hours* AND THEN I went all around the house testing all the special features by taking random pictures!
These first 2 pics are took in the "Vibrant Color" setting. I like how it makes everything..well, vibrant.
This picture is took using the "Miniature" setting. It makes the top and bottom blurry, so it creates this crazy mini effect.
What I definitely love is how I'm able to take a picture without a flash and it doesn't come out all shaky and stuff.
I definitely took waaay more pictures than that, but I don't want to post random pics of lotion and bottles of polish remover, but as life move forwards and I experience more things to capture, I'll definitely share with all of you!!
Monday, August 22, 2011
First Day of the Last Semester
What am I doing right now? I'm basically BSing (bullshitting) in the computer lab on my campus. Today is the very first day of my very last semester of being an undergraduate. I had some very mixed emotions about this day. One, being that LAST YEAR could've been my last semester instead of this year (Thanks to my advisor) and I now have to take 3 classes just to meet some stupid requirements and have to fight for parking spots and buy books and do papers and get up for class and.......*sigh*....*takes deep breath*....So let's just say I'm pretty...really irritated at the fact that I didn't get ALL of the information the first time I asked for it. But on the brighside, with this last semester I can boost my GPA from a 2.7 to a 3.0 and I can also get my letter of recommendation from some of my teachers here on campus. I plan on going to Grad school someday and all of those things are a must have. Including some other things as well.
So, instead of raging and starting a riot against the advisors on my campus (I'm still thinking about it though), I'm just going to suck it up and make this the best semester ever!.....Or go crazy.
So, instead of raging and starting a riot against the advisors on my campus (I'm still thinking about it though), I'm just going to suck it up and make this the best semester ever!.....Or go crazy.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Ribbon Flora bouquet!!
I don't know what made me think of it, probably browsing the internet for hours, but I decided that I wanted to learn how to make ribbon roses!! I don't know why I do this to myself, but once I discover something, I just gotta go alllll the way, but then I suddenly stop and never pick it up again til months later. Anyways, I took it upon myself to learn how to make these things and after endless amount of browsing on Youtube, I found someone who has a great video on how to make one.
It takes a little while to get the hang of turning the ribbon around in circles and not having it unravel on you at the same time, but after a while, I did it!!!!

And if your wondering where that rose is now, wellll I kind of took it apart. Why you ask?....I don't know why. But I'm pretty confident that I can do it again. *crosses fingers*
But my main goal is try and make one several ribbon roses to create a ribbon bouquet!! Wish me luck!!!
Funky Furniture!!
Sooo, I work at a store that consists of crafts, fabric, framing, home decor and lots of other things in between. Well, we just marked down some seasonal furniture to 80% off and look what I got!!

I absolutely adore this little drawer!! And what made it even better is that I got for even less than the markdown price!!! If you look at the right leg there's a crack in it and my manager took off more because of it!!!

I got a $119.99 (crazy, right?) drawer for $10.49!!!!!!!

I don't know where I'm going to put it or what I'm going to put on it, but all that matters is that it's mine!!! And that I got it super cheap!! Yay me!! ^_^!!
I absolutely adore this little drawer!! And what made it even better is that I got for even less than the markdown price!!! If you look at the right leg there's a crack in it and my manager took off more because of it!!!
I got a $119.99 (crazy, right?) drawer for $10.49!!!!!!!
I don't know where I'm going to put it or what I'm going to put on it, but all that matters is that it's mine!!! And that I got it super cheap!! Yay me!! ^_^!!
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
I Gotta Have It....
Soooo, yesterday I was browsing through my favorite fashion blogs when I saw this:

This is Christine Centenera, the fashion for Harper's Bazaar (Australia) and I absolutely fell in love with her dress!!! It's from LOVER's The White Serpent collection and I think it is the most beautiful dress ever!!
*sigh* Someday...it will be mine. ;)

This is Christine Centenera, the fashion for Harper's Bazaar (Australia) and I absolutely fell in love with her dress!!! It's from LOVER's The White Serpent collection and I think it is the most beautiful dress ever!!
*sigh* Someday...it will be mine. ;)
Saturday, July 9, 2011
I Love Love!
*sigh* I'm in that mood again where I get that strange urge to run through fields of flowers and start seeing heart-shaped clouds in the sky. And I blame it alll on one of Beyonce's new song, "1+1." I super love this song and I just get all mushy inside every time I hear it. Even though I'm single, my tender side still believes that there is somewhere out there for me.....no matter how much my cynical side shouts in disagreement. Ah well.
Flowers and Lace
Playing around with my camera's "special features", and this is what I got!! Welll, calling them "special features" is a stretch, I mostly used the timer and the micro setting....but whatever.

My whole entire outfit, from the clothes to the accessories, is all from Forever21. Some of my friends tell me I should shop somewhere else, but hey, if it's not broke, why fix it!
My whole entire outfit, from the clothes to the accessories, is all from Forever21. Some of my friends tell me I should shop somewhere else, but hey, if it's not broke, why fix it!
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