*sigh* I love that song. Especially, Michael Buble's version of it.
Anyways, good evening everyone! Guess where I got to go a couple of weeks ago?? *drum roll please* Paris!!!! *And the crowd goes wild*
It was my first European trip since I was a toddler and I had an amazing time. I will admit it was cold , but I couldn't help but enjoy being in this beautiful city. When we got lost trying to find our apartment where we were staying, my best friend turned to me and was said, "We're walking around in Paris." Then it dawned on me....yea, we were really walking around in Paris.

I have seen photos in magazines, scenes from movies and pictures from other travelers, and wishing that someday, I too, will visit Paris. I did. And it was awesome. Our first tourist stop was Notre Dame Catherdal. They were having prayer, so we had to be completely quiet.

We were traveling on a budget, so we took the Metro everywhere and I'm actually kind of glad for it. When we were walking past the Arc de Triomphe and saw the circle of chaos (that's my nickname for it), I couldn't imagine riding in a taxi and riding through that mass of cars. And here I thought the people in my town couldn't drive. Sheesh.

My only regret I can say, is that we didn't get to eat a lot of authentic Parisian food. Trying to accommodate a picky vegetarian....*sigh* never again. I did grab a delicious crepe from a street vendor, but other than that....nothing.

I think one thing I did enjoy was the architectural work on all the buildings, especially the Lourvre museum. I just couldn't help but stare at the buildings and amount of work that it took to design and construct the buildings. Amazing.
And the one thing we really wanted to see out of anything else.....The Eiffel Tower.

What a sight. I knew it was huge, but it looked like a iron giant in the distant. And like a big kid that I am, I literally squealed when it started to sparkle.

The next night, we walked down the stairs to get a closer view of it and my camera battery died, but thank goodness for my cellphone. I will admit, we did not take the elevator to the top, but with it being foggy we probably wouldn't see anything anyways. Actually, we didn't get to see as much of the city as we really wanted to, but I guess that means we'll have to plan another trip to visit again. ;D