Monday, April 14, 2008

The Unknown world of Teenage Girls

Recently in my Women Studies class we viewed a movie called " Boys Don't Cry." What I thought of the movie was that it showed a very, very realistic (obviously it was based on true story) and very different view of a teenage girl life. Many of the movies that we have discussed in our book have dealed with a lot of the same types of girls and going through the same issues and then there were a couple of them that did stray from mainstream, but none of them touched the subject of transgender. In "Boys don't Cry" Teena Brandon was born a female but lived the life of man by the name of Brandon Teena. The thing is about this movie is that there are a lot of people out in the world that live as Brandon did, hiding their true identity to feel accepted in the world. And seeing the way Brandon was raped and then murdered, I wouldn't really blame them for keeping it a secret. It's really sad how people react to things that they fear and is unknown to them, by either harassing that individual group or trying to wipe it out completely. I believe that this was a really good movie to show to mainstream audiences, because it removes many rose colored glasses from in front of peoples eyes and to let them step into another group of peoples world

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