Monday, April 12, 2010

Good-Bye Crawling, Hello Walking!!

Well, I said I was going to make some changes and I did!! Here they are!!

1. I actually went to a Professor for help on a paper. Haven't done that since high school, but I placed my pride aside and went to my Professor for help with my writing. I am sooo glad that I did!! She helped me create a clear thesis, she helped me with topic sentences and everything!! I am soo proud of myself. Yay Me!!

2. I've finally spoke with the Internship advisor to help find an internship for the Fall and I'm super excited and nervous at the same time, but I know I'll be alright. ;D

3. Finally!! To obtain 1 and 2, I have gained alot of confidence in the last couple of months!! (round of applause) Thank you, thank you!! And I would like to thank my Spring Break!! Seriously!!

It was my first trip without my mom, just me and my BFF, so I was extremely nervous but it was one of the best times of my LIFE!! I met soo many awesome people, whether they worked on the ship or were my fellow Spring Breakers!! I did things I thought I never do (nothing X-rated I assure you), but like, I did Karaoke and danced with sooo many people!! Usually, I'm really reserved, but I decided to let everything go and just enjoy myself, and maaaann did I.

Sooo, thats it so far, but I'm not worried....because I know there's more awesome stuff to come!! whoohoo!!

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