Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Renaissance 2011!!!

It's the time of year again where right here in Charlotte, the Renaissance comes to town!! And let me just tell you, my good friend and I always get super excited and we always have a good time too! We're just Ren Fest geeks like that...I am not ashamed! One of my favorite things about Ren Fest is all the handcrafted things that people create and sell. I love this incense and fragrant oil shop!! I got 15 sticks of incense for $3!!
These are from this awesome ceramic shop!! And for $850, the one on the left can be mine!!
She was a pretty good dancer and the music she was dancing to was sooo hypnotizing, but also...
She does acrobatic stunts!!
They also have live shows that encourages a lot of audience participation...which means things can get pretty crazy. These are the Tortuga Twins and yes....there is three of them.....I never questioned their counting.
See!! Audience participation!
Those are just a couple of pictures from the hundreds of pictures that I took, but they have a lot more shows, shops, games, food (Mmm, turkey legs) and all kinds of fun things for everyone!! *sigh* I can't wait til next year. Next year, I'm dressing up as a gypsy.

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