Tuesday, December 27, 2011

A Merry Merry Christmas to you!

Good evening and Merry Christmas to you all!! I just got back from seeing my family in Charleston, SC and I had a great time like always! :D
While I was there I decided to experiment with my camera some more and I was very pleased by the pictures that I took. So was my brother because he kept messing with my camera. :/
This huge tree is in the backyard of my grandmother's house and I never knew how big it was until now. I learned from one of my uncle's this past holiday weekend that my grandfather bought that land for a $1 and he said how he wanted to build a house in front of that tree. Amazing.
I hoped you all enjoyed your Christmas and I hope you have an awesome New Years!! :D

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Congratulations to Me!!

I am proud to say that I am now a college Graduate!!! This past Saturday, I graduated from the University of North Carolina in Charlotte at 3:00 pm and I could not be any happier!!
On my way to the school, I was just shaking with excitement and with anticipation. I couldn't believe that today was finally here and I couldn't wait to walk across the stage. It felt soo surreal. It was a day that felt like forever to come and finally I had my cap and gown on and was marching in with the rest of my classmates. My heart was racing and I just couldn't stop smiling.
I am soo glad that I had the good sense to give my brother my camera to take pictures. He's a genius! From allll the way up at the top, he was able to get a picture of me. Can you spot me in this picture? :D
I won't lie and say I paid any attention to the speeches being given, I was just ready to walk across that stage! And finally it was time!!!
I was waaay too excited!
And just like that, it was over. One of the greatest days of my life and I truly enjoyed every single moment of it!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Rainy Days and Lazy Mornings

Good Evening! It rained extra hard earlier this week and I tried to take some "artistic" pics with my camera.
Hmm....probably not that artsy, but that's ok. I should probably learn to take different angles instead of the same exact landscape. And this morning, Me and Tess weren't ready to live the warmth of the bed just yet.