Wednesday, February 1, 2012

My First Time in New York City!!!

When your best friend asks if you would love to take a day trip to New York city, would you say??? YES of course!! So yesterday for the first time in my life, I was in New York City!! The morning there started kind of rocky because one of the city buses drove right past us (grrrr!!!) and we hate to wait another hour for the next one (double grrrr), but after that it was smooth sailing.
I have never been on the subway even in my whole entire life and that day I was on it basically alll day!!
One of the places we visited while we there was World Trade Center memorial.
Right where the towers used to stand were these huge pools made of black stone, with water cascading down the sides. Going around the edges of the pools were the names of the thousands of people who died on 9/11. May they always rest in peace.
After that it was time to eat (we were starving by then) and we made our way towards Time Square!!
After eating dinner at Bubba Gump's, it was time to go. Another subway ride to Harlem, then a bus ride to the airport, we were heading home. And OMG, I was soo exhausted, I couldn't wait to get home to my bed!
Even though I was super tired after that long day, I really, really enjoyed myself that day. I cannot wait til my next extended visit! :D

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