Saturday, July 14, 2012

Coldplay Concert 2012!!!

Good Evening ya'll!!! Right now my life consists of work, my dog, work, Pinterest, work, crafting and didn't I mention working? Well let me just say, the best thing ever to break the everyday routine, is attending at concert thrown by Coldplay!!! July 3rd at the Time Warner Arena, Coldplay came to play and did I have an awesome time!!
Me and my favorite concert buddy arrived at the arena around 7; basically to get close and cheap parking. If you arrived any later....$$$. Anyways, like the other Coldplay concerts that we've seen in the past, there's always two opening acts. The first opening act was a band called Wolfgang and I actually liked them. I think because they sound a little bit like Coldplay and the lead singer was kinda cute. Next was Swedish pop-star Robyn!! She did a lot of pop-techno-dance music that I actually loved and couldn't help but dance! And speaking of dance, that lady had some serious dance moves and loved every bit of it! Finally after two hours of opening act performances....COLDPLAY!!!!
This is my third time seeing them in concert and even though I had fun the last couple of times, this concert was freaking amazing!!! I danced and sung to EVERY SINGLE SONG!!!!
Even though the whole damn concert was beyond super awesome, one of my favorite moments, is when they left the main stage and performed "Us Against the World" from a platform in the crowd.
They were sooo close!!! Oh! And I almost forgot to mention the awesome wristlets that lit up during the concert.
After an hour and forty-five minutes of screaming, cheering and singing until my voice almost gave out, the show was over. *extra sad face* That concert was soo freaking epic and I cannot wait until they come back here again!!
Oh and me and my concert buddy are planning on getting floor seats next time!!

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