Sunday, November 18, 2012

Night Light for Boys

Good Evening ya'll! So, this past weekend was a really good friends little boys' birthday party and I had no idea what to make him! Majority of my friends have little girls and there is like a million and one ideas for little girls, but barely anything for little boys. Your probably wondering why don't I just buy him a toy, well, my friends don't mind toys, but they would appreciate something that didn't create chaos and that they didn't have to clean and pick up So, I decided that I would think outside the box and create something that the whole family can enjoy. Anyways, I remember that earlier this year I made the flower nightlight for another friends little girls and I knew that I wanted to make an nightlight for him as well. But him being a boy, I knew a flower nightlight would not fly! It took only a couple of minutes and a little browsing on the web and then I had it!!!
Soooo, I saw during my google image search of this glass nightlight with the little kids name on the front of it with sports things or other random boy stuff. I saw that a lot of people were selling them for $34 online and I was like HA, I can do that myself! I bought all my supplies from Hobby Lobby ( because I live in that store), brought it home, dumped it on my floor and got busy. The first thing I did was arrange his name and the other stickers on the front of glass block. If you try this at home, make sure have a good idea on how big you want the sticker letters, the length of the persons name and the size of the glass block you are going to use. For a quick second when I was putting Montays name on the block, I almost panicked because I didn't think his name was going to fit. *whew* Lucky for me it did!
Next, I opened the small box of 20 stringed-lights and put it inside the glass block by removing the rubber stopper from the bottom. I think its best to put the lights in first, so when you add the rocks in afterwards, it won't be so hard to get them in there. I have a feeling you already know that, but just in case you didn't.....
Now we add the rocks!! Well, they're not real rocks. Just plastic dyed "gems" that the lights will shine through. I bought 2 boxes just to be safe and I'm glad I did because one box definitely was not going to be enough.
And Finally the finish product!!
This project literally only took me 15 minutes to do and I really enjoyed doing it. My friend text me later that night to tell me when she plugged her sons nightlight in that, her niece came into the room, she instantly loved it and now she wants one as well!! I can't wait to go out tomorrow and get some more supplies and to get busy!

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