Monday, May 5, 2014

Isolation, constipation and concentration!!

hehehe...I'm just messing. My belly dance teacher told us the 3 main terms for belly dance...and I can only remember one: Isolation!! One of the major aspects of belly dance is definitely Isolation. To be able to control and move the different parts of your body, at the same time, is the most amazing thing I ever seen. And the most hardest. You see, I have a really hard time doing one or more things at one time. I swear in the middle of class, my mind wanders and when I'm suppose to be learning a dance move, I'm thinking about dinner or cake. (mmmm, cake) *clears head* Anyhoo, one of the best ways to really see the beauty of body isolation, is during a drum solo. While someone is going to town on a drum, the belly dancer is showing how she (or he) can keep up with the beating of the drum. While watching a lot of drum solos on Youtube and my jaw drops with the way the ladies are able to keep a rhythm and show off their body skills, while dancing to the beat of the drum. My favorite dancer so far when it comes to drum solo, is Sadie Marquadt. She is absolutely amazing!! Look at the way she is able to control her body movements!! I am utterly green with jealousy!! I have also became more determined to get her LEVEL!!! Just imagine my body be able to move my hips, chest and stomach like that!! *le sigh* So, I'm happy to say that my teacher has told me, that we will be learning a drum solo this month! *screams excitedly* Wish me Luck!

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