Anyhoo, well here is my semi-finished Board!! Look how fancy it is now!! *giggles* Ok, well it's not that fancy, but I try to use the creative part of my brain a lot more these days. Especially, now that classes are over and I have a lot of free time to think and be creative....or take a nap.

Ok, so here it is and my flowers!! I got all those flowers from the craft store that I work at. No, I don't go around yanking flower heads off of their plastic stems...sometimes...but these are what "fell" off and have been collected by the Floral department manager and thrown in a box. Of course I couldn't let her just throw them I decided they should and WILL become a hair accessory someday!! THIS I SWEAR!!! (said in dramatic voice)

Next is my little gold Piggy bank!! Hehehehe!! I also got this from my store...when it went 80% off. But I always had my eyes on it and I was sooo happy when nobody bought him and he was marked down.....and then he was alll mine. You probably can't tell in the picture, but I spilled nail polish remover on him a couple of months ago and now he's a gold pig with silver tarnished scars...ah well.

And finally my Passport holder!!!! TA-DA!!!! Is my passport in there you say?? Nope! *womp womp* I hope to acquire my passport sometime in the near future and I can't wait to get it. But in the meantime I'll just enjoy looking at my holder til then.
My board is not fully complete because I feel like something is missing from it. I don't know what it is, but when I do, I'll make sure to let you know. :D
I absolutely love that gold piggy, lol. I too have a vision board, it was put away when I moved, but seeing this post I am going to pull it out again. I had so many cool visions on my boards!
Yaaay!! I want to add some more to mine, but I seem to be having a vision board block. :/
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