Ooook!! So, I said I will start writing down my dreams again and I have. (Kinda, sorta) I forget to do it on the mornings where I'm too busy getting ready for work. Anyhoo, from what I have written in my journal (thats it in the picture above) and what I remember from the one's that I didn't written down, the main theme I"m noticing from my dreams is the ocean. Or a BIG body of water. Now, from my mom's friend who does dream interpretations sometimes, she said that water can sometimes represent water, but in this case I don't think the water in my dream means trouble.
I went to dreammoods.com, and typed in "Ocean" and it says:
To see an ocean in your dream, represents the state of your emotions and feelings. It is indicative of spiritual refreshment, tranquility and renewal. Alternatively, the dream means that you are feeling empowered and unhindered. You have a positive outlook in life and are not limited by anything. If you are sailing across the ocean, then it signifies new found freedom and independence. You are showing great courage.
Hmmm....now I can definitely relate to this, because I have been feeling very "at peace with myself" lately. So, that could be the reason why I have sooo many dreams with the ocean or BIG bodies of water in it.
I wonder what happens if I actually jumped in it....(stay tuned)
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