I wrote up a brand new list of goals for me to achieve along with super awesome sayings that I got from magazines.
Also, what I am going to do with the flowers is have them go allll the way around the edge of the board. I super love flowers!!
But I would like to add that one of my vision board wants/wish has manifested in my life:

TA-DAH!!!! I always wanted my very own full-length mirror and I got it!!!
I remember seeing this mirror last year at my job and thought it was the most greatest thing ever!! But sadly, we only got 2 and they sold out before I got a chance to try and buy them *extra sad face*
So, you all can just imagine how excited I was when I saw it come in again!!! So, I printed out a coupon, had one of my co-workers load that bad boy in my truck and I was on my way. I love it!!!
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