Sunday, November 8, 2009

Procrastination.....maybe I'll finish this post tomorrow..

Just kidding!!! But honestly procrastination is one of the most foul things to ever happen to anybody!! Espeically college students!!! Espeically for me!!! It's this weird mind disease that consumes me and keeps me from doing my work on time. And what makes this disease worse is that I love it!!! I mean I get this strange adrenaline rush just from the thought of not doing my papers on time. Like in the past if I knew I had a month to do a project I would wait a day before it's due to start it. And that's because I knew I had sooo much time to do it.

But no more.

I finally got my Goal Board (yay me!!) And the first thing I placed on there was all those papers that is due in the next couple of weeks. Tomorrow when I go on campus, I'm going to start the research for my 10 page paper and then by Tuesday I want to start typing it.

I'm serious!!! I'm really trying not to have any stress these last couple of weeks and this way everything will get done neatly and on time.

With my other class, I'm going to talk to my professor about that assignment, because I have no idea what she really expects from us. And I defintely need a good grade in that class, because I refuse to take it over!!!

So those are my goals and i'm sticking to them!!! :D

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