Sunday, November 1, 2009

Step 1: Baby Steps

I said I was going to start with baby steps and I'm doing that first thing tomorrow!!!

Saturday night I bascially found out that a supposedly friend and co-worker is taking advantage of me. We both work in the same department and for the past 5 saturdays I had to work, while she took those days off. Finally next Saturday is my day off and I'm going to live it up!!! Well, she called this past saturday to asked what she worked for the rest of the week from another one of our friends and that friend told her that she has to work this coming up Satuday. Well this heffa said " oh that's ok, because I'm going right back around and taking that next saturday off!" And when my friend said "What about Arlette?" She was like "What about her!! I have things to do!!!" And usually her things to do is laying around at her momma's house. Oh and if your wondering how old she is.....she's 49.

*Blank Stare*

I always knew the bitch was selfish, but that right there pissed me off! For one thing I work part-time in a department and do a whole lot of other shit and don't get paid for it and then she expects me to work all those saturdays too?!?!? AH HELL NAW!!!

So decided right there that it's time for me to move on and I know that it's going to be for the best. Because I know if I can't leave now, I might never leave. And this definitely is some kind of sign for me to move on.

1 comment:

Angelique said...

Don't let evil folks get the best of you sis. It does sound like its time for you to move on and always remember when one door closes...

you know the rest:)