Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Jinx!! *knocks on wood*

Have you ever felt like you were jinxed?? Well, for the past couple of days, thats how I felt!!

It all started with me and my cousin leaving Charleston Sunday to go back home. At first the drive was pretty uneventful, we were just driving and talking about random stuff...and then IT happened....my car made a funny noise and the check engine light came on. I am soo glad that my cousin was the one driving, because I would of panicked or something. But she pulled over to the side of the road and we both got out and popped the hood......we didn't know what to look for. *shrugs* But luckily a very nice guy stopped to help us and told us that it was the water pump that burst...ugh. But he stayed with us to make sure that everything was ok and that someone was coming to get us which was nice of him. Anyhoo, to speed up the story my uncle came alll the way out there to tow my car and take it back to Charleston to get fixed, while me and my cousin had a movie night at her apartment.

Now, I am extremely happy that my cousin was there with me....but then again...it was her THIRD time be in a car predicament this summer...???...Me and her mom agree that my cousin is not allowed in any of ours cars ever again.

And then, after all of that, I get home to a broken computer monitor *extra sad face* FML!! But luckily my mom was able to buy a new one....its really pretty too!!

Hmmm, now that I typed this all out, I realized even though those were "life stumbles," it all worked out in the end.

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