Thursday, September 16, 2010


Hello everybody!!! Let me tell you how everything has been so far in my life:

1. I applied for my passport. I have like 3-4 more weeks until its here.

2. I got an internship with a wonderful women's organization here in my city.

3. My car is renewed and I can drive without worry about being pulled over by the police ever again!!

4. AAAnd I've been doing a lot better with my school work this semester.

I'm also getting used to all the business of my life now. I'm actually starting to enjoy my new schedule of being busy. The only thing is, I'm still having trouble with going to sleep at night. I still believe that I can go to sleep late at night and still have enough energy for the next day. *smacks self in head*

But besides me being insomniac, everything is working out great in my life and I couldn't be happier.

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