Monday, August 30, 2010

On to New Beginnings!!!

Hello everybody!! Welp, it's a brand new semester and I'm already busier than a bee that works a busy schedule!! *giggles* This semester I'm working on obtaining a internship and it's a lot harder to get one than I thought. Calling, emailing, interviews and jumping through hoops just to get a least one!!!! *whew* Anyhoo, I have 2 other classes that haven't gotten too crazy just yet, but then has only been a week! *yikes* And then this coming up Wednesday I have battle with the DMV *horror movie scream* and here in North Carolina, you have to get your car inspected EVERY TIME you renew your tags!! *ugh*. And of course I still have to work. A girl has to get paid...unless someone would love to pay bills for me. *bats eyelashes*.

*takes deep breath*

I think the only reason I'm overwhelmed is because I seem to be more active in my life rather than observing my life...if that makes any sense. I will admit that I do enjoy taking the easy way out of situations, but I'm starting to understand that all the dreams,goals and other good stuff that I want to happen in my life, won't come from me being lazy and staying at home all day; But from me actually putting forth some effort into my future. Some old habits have popped up and are trying to keep me from my greatness, but with a lot of will-power, I overcame the old urge to procrastinate, and completed my homework waaay ahead of time instead of the last minute. *pats self on the back*

So, on my agenda this week, I will get a list of more possible organizations for an internship, a Day planner, my passport, my car renewed aaaand my homework! *whew* But never fear, the new self-confident Letti is here!! *puts on cape and flies through the ceiling*

"Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence." ~ Helen Keller

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