Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Europe here I come!!

Good Evening folks!! I am happy to say that I am finally going to put my passport to use!! Let me start from the beginning:

*cues flashback music and time travel-warpiness*

Well one day I was feeling some-kind-of-way. I realized that most of my friends are either getting married, having a babies and all that other stuff. I definitely know right now that I'm not ready for marriage or any kids, so I decided that I need to do something!!

Anyhoo, so I decided to post on Facebook one day, wondering what I'm going to do when I graduate next may. One of my favorite cousins recommended St. Thomas and I told her I would think about it. But then my one of my friends was like, "come with me to Europe! We can stay with my parents!" (Her parents live in Frankfurt, Germany) I thought that was really nice of her to invite me and kinda didn't think about it until later on that day. I thought to myself that this is a great opportunity to actually go to Europe have somewhere to stay (for FREE!!) and to be with someone who has been across the pond several times! Well, believe me, it did not take me long to decide that this was something I really, really, really wanted to do!!

So later on that week, when I stopped by her house to give her, her house warming present, I told her that I accept her invitation, and she was excited that I decided to go!! She told me all that we can do, what kind of area her parents lived in, and also the cheap airline flights to other countries while we're there!!

*back to the present*

So I am definitely excited about next summer and I can't wait til that day comes where I'm boarding the next plane to Europe!!

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