Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Another Semester Bites the Dust

Well almost. 2 more weeks of one of the most hectic semester I ever had!!! It was only because of this one class!! My teacher (bless his heart) decided that he wanted to create a semester long group; you have to meet each week, give group reports and a bunch of other crazy stuff. And then on top of that the whole group has to give a 90 minute presentation!! YIKES!!! So basically, there was a lot of meltdowns and a whole lot of he say/she say mess!!! But my group went last week and it's like a mountain was removed from everyone's shoulders!!

But out of that hoopla of a group project mess, I met some really good people and also a kindred spirit. Me and one of my group members love speaking about past life regressions, astrology, natural hair and other things. So, that's one thing positive that came out of being forced to be group together with a bunch of random people. (^_^)

But on a sad note, the women's organization that I have been interning with for this semester, my internship is about to come to an end. *tear* I'm really going to miss working them! Working with them allowed me to view a whole different world that I never realized existed right here in my own city. But I decided that I'm going to join them as a member in the future, because I really do love what their organization is about and I would love to be apart of that.

Even though there are some good things that came out of this semester, I am really relieved that its' finally over and next semester, my last semester, is going to be a lot calmer....I hope. *crosses fingers*

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