Monday, December 10, 2012

I Love Pink and Gold!! (And a blog update)

Good Evening everyone!! First, I must give a super, huge thanks to my talented friend Sara (go to her gallery to see her amazing artwork: for re-designing background and header!!! *round of applause* For a long time I always wanted to change my blog and I just couldn't get it right. AT. ALL! But thanks Sara and her artistic talents, she has brought my blog to life! Do ya'll remember the pink tree I bought last year on clearance??? Well, look at it now!!
Since, the tree is already uniquely made, I decided to just do gold glittered ornaments and nothing else. And I think it turned out fantastic.
Hehe, my glitter shoes look great next to this tree as well.
Oh and one special touch I wanted my friend to add to the header was the latin phrase "Alis volat propriis." I saw it on Pinterest last night and when I saw that it translated to "She flies with her own wings" I knew that I had to have it!! It expresses the way I want to be, meaning, I want to be in a place mentally where I am confident in myself to do what ever makes me happy. So, every time I come to my blog and see that phrase, it will help remind me that I know that I can accomplish anything that I put my mind to.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Night Light for Boys

Good Evening ya'll! So, this past weekend was a really good friends little boys' birthday party and I had no idea what to make him! Majority of my friends have little girls and there is like a million and one ideas for little girls, but barely anything for little boys. Your probably wondering why don't I just buy him a toy, well, my friends don't mind toys, but they would appreciate something that didn't create chaos and that they didn't have to clean and pick up So, I decided that I would think outside the box and create something that the whole family can enjoy. Anyways, I remember that earlier this year I made the flower nightlight for another friends little girls and I knew that I wanted to make an nightlight for him as well. But him being a boy, I knew a flower nightlight would not fly! It took only a couple of minutes and a little browsing on the web and then I had it!!!
Soooo, I saw during my google image search of this glass nightlight with the little kids name on the front of it with sports things or other random boy stuff. I saw that a lot of people were selling them for $34 online and I was like HA, I can do that myself! I bought all my supplies from Hobby Lobby ( because I live in that store), brought it home, dumped it on my floor and got busy. The first thing I did was arrange his name and the other stickers on the front of glass block. If you try this at home, make sure have a good idea on how big you want the sticker letters, the length of the persons name and the size of the glass block you are going to use. For a quick second when I was putting Montays name on the block, I almost panicked because I didn't think his name was going to fit. *whew* Lucky for me it did!
Next, I opened the small box of 20 stringed-lights and put it inside the glass block by removing the rubber stopper from the bottom. I think its best to put the lights in first, so when you add the rocks in afterwards, it won't be so hard to get them in there. I have a feeling you already know that, but just in case you didn't.....
Now we add the rocks!! Well, they're not real rocks. Just plastic dyed "gems" that the lights will shine through. I bought 2 boxes just to be safe and I'm glad I did because one box definitely was not going to be enough.
And Finally the finish product!!
This project literally only took me 15 minutes to do and I really enjoyed doing it. My friend text me later that night to tell me when she plugged her sons nightlight in that, her niece came into the room, she instantly loved it and now she wants one as well!! I can't wait to go out tomorrow and get some more supplies and to get busy!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

What Happens in Vegas, I will share with you!

*taps mic* Is this thing on??? Good evening all!!! I haven't post anything in a long time because of work. I mean I have been working a lot these past couple of months and I'm glad it slowed a little bit before the storm a.k.a holiday shopping. Anyhoo, back in September I finally got the chance to go to a city I always wanted to visit....VEGAS BABY!!!!! First, I would like to say that it was just a day trip, so I have no problem sharing my experience there. There was no time to doing anything "risque", but next time...most definitely. Flying to Vegas was pretty uneventful until we started flying over the Graaand Canyon.
I was totally blown away by the mountain scenery; absolutely amazing! Soon after that we landed in Vegas! :D Since it was only a day trip, we decided to take a tour through all the hotels and casinos on the Strip. This was my best friends third time going to Vegas, so she knew some attractions to see while we were walking around. Luckily for us we were able to catch a shuttle ride to and from the airport for just $12! (I can't remember the real price, but it was cheap)
The first hotel we visited was the Venetian hotel and I fell deeply in love with the extravagance of this hotel!! There was gold and replica's of paintings everywhere!!
And of course there was the very famous Gondola ride. We didn't take ride because we were on a budget and the cost to take trip in one of the boats was pretty pricey.
After the Venetian, we walked on one of the connector bridges, that connect all the hotels together, and headed to the Wynn hotel.
On the way there, we saw this awesome waterfall and I had to take a picture next to it!
Every hotel, there were really high priced stores like Chanel, Louis Vuitton, and a whole lot of the stores that we didn't even bother walking into. But they were nice to look at as we passed by.
These flower balls were made out of real flowers and I was just totally fascinated by them. We pretty hungry, so we walked over to the Fashion Mall (Or something like that) to get something from the Food Court. This mall looked like an UFO. Neat.
While walking through the mall, we saw the biggest Forever21 ever and I wished that was a shopping trip soo much, but sadly it wasn't. After that, Treasure Island and the Mirage!
Instead of walking, they provided a little tram that went from Treasure island to the Mirage. Which was nice, because it was getting outside and our feet were starting to hurt.
After the Mirage, we went into Caesars! Holy moly, that place was large and amazing!! I thought the Venetian was over the top, but the Caesar hotel was beyond that! Connected to Caesars was a shopping called the Forum, which lead into the hotel. Now that I think back on it, it got kind of confusing trying to figure out where you were, but I enjoyed the scenery as we walked around in circles.
I think we were in Caesars for almost 2 or 3 hours..whew! Next is the Bellagio (which as the awesome water show at night) and the Cosmopolitan hotel! I loved the Cosmopolitan for one reason only....
This stuff!!! There was strands of crystal all through the casino and I loved it!
Let me fast forward to my other favorite hotels, because we did so much and I took so many pictures, I would typing for hours!! The Paris hotel was my second favorite hotel, right after the Venetian. They had an Eiffel Tower right in the middle of the casino!
Then New York New York was freaking amazeballs! It was like you were in a mini version of New York city.
As it got darker, the city came to life. There were street performers everywhere!! Whether they were in costumes of random characters (Spongebob, Sonic the Hedgehog and Transformers) guys dancing in the street and musicians of all types (there was a guy playing the bagpipes). Our last show of the night was the water fountain show at the Bellagio.
I definitely can't wait to go back because there is still so much to see and do and I can't wait to experience it all!

Monday, September 3, 2012

New Trunk for my Junk!

Good evening ya'll!! For the past couple of years I had these two super ugly trunks in my room. I bought them when they were really, really cheap and at the time, I was excited to place all my extra junk in. Now, however, I hate them. I really, really hate them.
Ugh. Just look at them! Even before my dog Tess tore off some of the fabric, they were already ugly to begin with!! *sigh* On the bright side, I started hating those trunks just in time for the furniture to go on sale at one of my favorite stores. For $16, I was able to get those super awesome, new pink trunk!
Look at it!!! It's freakin' amazing!!!
My plan was to get three different sizes and stack on top of each other. Well, I wasn't the only one that liked these trunks and this was all that I was able to get. I'm definitely not complaining though. I got a brand new trunk that's pink, big and awesome!! What more can a girl ask for??

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Coldplay Concert 2012!!!

Good Evening ya'll!!! Right now my life consists of work, my dog, work, Pinterest, work, crafting and didn't I mention working? Well let me just say, the best thing ever to break the everyday routine, is attending at concert thrown by Coldplay!!! July 3rd at the Time Warner Arena, Coldplay came to play and did I have an awesome time!!
Me and my favorite concert buddy arrived at the arena around 7; basically to get close and cheap parking. If you arrived any later....$$$. Anyways, like the other Coldplay concerts that we've seen in the past, there's always two opening acts. The first opening act was a band called Wolfgang and I actually liked them. I think because they sound a little bit like Coldplay and the lead singer was kinda cute. Next was Swedish pop-star Robyn!! She did a lot of pop-techno-dance music that I actually loved and couldn't help but dance! And speaking of dance, that lady had some serious dance moves and loved every bit of it! Finally after two hours of opening act performances....COLDPLAY!!!!
This is my third time seeing them in concert and even though I had fun the last couple of times, this concert was freaking amazing!!! I danced and sung to EVERY SINGLE SONG!!!!
Even though the whole damn concert was beyond super awesome, one of my favorite moments, is when they left the main stage and performed "Us Against the World" from a platform in the crowd.
They were sooo close!!! Oh! And I almost forgot to mention the awesome wristlets that lit up during the concert.
After an hour and forty-five minutes of screaming, cheering and singing until my voice almost gave out, the show was over. *extra sad face* That concert was soo freaking epic and I cannot wait until they come back here again!!
Oh and me and my concert buddy are planning on getting floor seats next time!!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Enjoying the Festivities in my Town!

Good Evening everyone!! Haven't posted anything in awhile because I've mostly been lazy and exhausted! Resetting my department in the store where I work has really been taking it out of me! So, it's great when I'm on my days off, I can enjoy hanging out with friends and exploring the our city! First festival of the summer was SpeedStreet 2012! Me and one of my good friends love going to this even every year because we get to walk around uptown seeing the people and get a whole lot of FREE stuff!!! LOL! When one hears The Wobble, you MUST get up and DANCE! LOL! The weather was absolutely amazing and I had to bring out the lacy shorts!! I was nervous at first about wearing them out, but I was tired of wearing my jeans and I have these fabulous clothes in my closet...why not actually wear them?!?!?! After more free food and some wine from the Epicentre, we head back to watch Evelyn Champagne-King perform and she did an awesome job! Fast Forward to last weekend when we went to The Taste of Charlotte!!! I love the Taste of Charlotte, because you get to taste all the different kinds of food from soo many different restaurants!! Food Heaven! Even though you have to pay for tokens, we found free parking not too far away from the festival, which made everything taste soo much better! LOL!! I ate ribs, chicken, Indian food, soul food, cupcakes, cocktail shrimp, pizza (that was free), and a whole lot of other food! I was super full after the whole thing. These guys from Fuel Pizza did a cooking demonstration and made a veggie pizza. At first I was like, "yuck", but then after taking a bite of it, "Yuuuuuum!!" It was soo good! At one time during the demonstration, they asked my friend to come up and toss the pizza dough in the fell back in her face. *womp womp* After sitting down to rest our feet (and digest some of that food) we decided to take pictures!!! *squeals! Even those are the most popular things to do in town at this time of the year, there is always plenty of to do and I can't wait to enjoy them all! :D