Monday, April 9, 2012

My Obsession with Pinterest.

Good Evening Ya'll!! I would like to announce that I have a new obsession and it's name is Pinterest. Who knew that this website would take up hours and hours of my time at night!! I blame my co-worker and my classmate from high school. Their to blame for this addiction. I probably would of never found out about this website until they encouraged me to visit the site to see if I like it. And I course I did and do!!! Recipes, crafts, home decor, fashion and soo much more!! My favorite section to browse is the DIY & Craft boards, to see the amazing things that people have pinned. I work at a craft store and my butt would browse that darn board, just to see what I can get from the work the next day to and make it. Soooo, I made something.
It's a Paper tissue flower lantern. (say that 5 times fast)Through Pinterest I got it from this website One of my good friend's little girls just turned 3 this past week and I had to think of something to give her for her birthday. At first I thought of toys but that little girl has more than enough toys and she definitely did not need anymore. One day last week when I was on Pinterest, I saw that pin and I knew that I was meant to make that.
When I first started to cut out the shapes and glue the flowers on, I was really excited....until the darn things wouldn't stay on. The glue I used at first was Aleene's Tacky glue, which is a really good glue. However, for this particular definitely wasn't working. The glue wasn't drying fast enough and when I would glue the flowers on...they wouldn't fall right off! *frustrated sigh* After an hour with fighting with the darn thing, I pulled out my handy-dandy glue gun and I went to craft town!!
(couple of hours later) I was finally finish!!!! Aaaannnnd, it was bigger than I thought it was going to be. *_*. I think that's because I wasn't suppose to start off with such a large lantern, but I didn't realize that until AFTER I got the flowers on. Oh well, it came out really nice and everyone loved it!
I already have 2 (I think maybe 3) more projects to do next and I am soo excited!!!

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