Sunday, May 6, 2012

A Whole lot of Decisions and Glitter!!

Good afternoon everyone!!! In my near future, it will be time for me to make some major decisions in my life. For one thing, me and my best friend are going to start looking for an apartment together. This is something major for me, because I have never lived away from home. AT ALL. It's something I'm ready for, but yet a little part of me, wouldn't mind not moving at all. But I realize that I am getting older and it's time for me to be out on my own. Then, while I've become full-time at the store I have been with these past 7 1/2 years, I know that I want to go to Grad school AND eventually find career that I would love to do. What that career is going to be in....wellll....I'm not really sure to be honest. But I do know, that the job that I am at now, will not be something that I will do for the rest of my life. Even though these are things that I want to do in my future, I am very, very grateful for the things that I have now. I am happy to have a roof over my head, a job that allows me to have medical and dental benefits, having a job PERIOD, and boat load of other blessings that I have. I really do appreciate these things and I cannot wait for what the future holds for me. Moving along....Pinterest. So, I was browsing on Pinterest, like I do everyday, and I saw how this one lady on her blog decorated her own wine glasses using Martha Stewart's glitter paint. Of course I had to try it! My best friend bought the paint and wine glasses from Michael's and we were ready to glizzerize some glasses!!! However, before we even attempted to paint the glasses, I thought it would be a good idea to test it on another piece of glass before we used the wine glasses. For about 3 years, I have had this beautiful glass flower vase and I thought it would be great idea to try the paint on that first! Yeaaaa, I'm glad we tried it on something else first, because....yikes!! I didn't even take a picture of it because it looked soooo bad!! SMDH!! So, now I had a perfectly good vase covered horribly, in glitter paint!!! What was I to do?!?!?!?! Welll....browsing through Pinterest again, I see how a lot of ladies use mod podge for EVERYTHING!!! Staring at my now ruined vase, I grabbed my jar of mod podge, a foam brush and some glitter and.... VOILA!!!
Just to let you all know, there's glitter everywhere in my room, but I don't care, because my vase looks fabulous!!
I was actually surprised on how well it came out. The only thing I'm going to have to do is add a layer of mod podge to go over the glitter, because glitter is still falling off of it and it's getting everywhere. *_*
But anyhoo, the moral of this story is: Mod podge is your best friend. :D

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