Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Belly Dancing Part 1: My Back Hurts

Tonight I took my first ever belly dancing class. I was nervous and out totally out of my element, but I've been wanting to do this for years! I finally found a dance studio close to my house and I signed up for it right away. So how did it go? I never knew how stiff I was until I had to shimmy and do the snake with my arms. And yes, my back hurts. We had to raise our chests and then drop them. Over and over and over again. I usually don't do that on a regular basis, so my back is not use do that kind of a work out. I'm really uncoordinated as well. We had to walk forward, while pointing our feet and moving our arms at the same time....Yeaaaaaa. I sucked pretty badly. Anyway, besides noticing how long and awkward my arms looked in the mirror, I really enjoyed myself. The teacher is awesome and she has really great personality. I can't wait until next weeks class, but until then....*shimmy, shimmy and shimmy*

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