Monday, September 30, 2013

More Than Just Earrings...

For all you jewelry wearers, when you ever put on your favorite pieces of jewelry, do you feel as though you have become another person? As though that piece of jewelry has a soul of it's own and when you put on that certain piece, that soul attaches to yours? No? Well, I do. This feeling is probably just confidence, but my imagination gets a little carried away and I lost touch with reality. These earrings are far from being real opals, but I just LOVE the look of them! They have that vintage look to them that I adore and the opal replica makes my heart race. When I wear them, I feel like that I could of easily worn these in another lifetime. A gift. Given to me by my lover, who believes that I am the reason that the sun rises in the morning and why the moon glows at night. Secret messages and heated glances across crowded rooms. Whispered promises of being together forever and a love that transcends across time. *sigh* Yep. These earrings rock.

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