Tuesday, November 4, 2014

My New Obsession: Pumpkin Ale!

It's Fall Time!!! My favorite time of the year! For one thing: MY BIRTHDAY!!! I turned 28 on October the 28th! *insert twilight music here* Whatever it symbolizes, I'm channeling that energy to get my ball rolling....again. Anyway, Besides the glorious day of my birth, Fall also brings semi-warm weather, Halloween and the Renaissance Festival!!! Huzzah! Huzzah! Huzzah! Let me tell you, my little nerdy heart, no matter how many times I go, always gets excited about Ren Fest. It's nothing but great times, every time I go. I love the volunteer actors that perform throughout the park, making it almost seem like you're in the medieval era. Not really. But it's still fun. Also, the audience participation shows are just freaking awesome. There are some acts I have to literally see every single year or my visit wasn't deemed a success. Besides, the handmade products you see while browsing the shops, while chomping on a delicious turkey leg, I have a new obsession: Pumpkin Ale.
Let me tell you; I'm not a big fan of pumpkin anything. I don't hate the stuff, but it's not high on my list of favorite "spices". So, when one of my friends told me all about this "pumpkin ale" last year, I wasn't down with that cause. I'm not a big beer drinker, so the thought of a pumpkin plus beer, equaled gross to me. But while browsing through World Market one day, I was like, "Why not?" I grabbed a case of Dogfish Head pumpkin ale and took it home. My first reaction: Gross. Being a non-beer drinker, all it did was remind me of other beers and I wasn't impressed. But I couldn't throw it away. I bought it with my hard-earned money, so I wasn't going to at least finish that one beer and give the case to my pumpkin ale-obsessed friend. Finished the bottle. I said I was done with pumpkin ale. Four days later I drunk the entire case and was determined to buy more. I was determine to taste more! I don't know what happened! It's like I couldn't stop drinking the stuff! And I feel like everywhere I go, I gotta get some! Which brings this right back around to the Ren Fest. They had pumpkin ale! Cottonwood Pumpkin Ale made my freakin' day. While, watching men in tights joust to the death, I was sipping on cup of delicious ale. All was right within the world.

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