Thursday, June 11, 2015

My First Bellydance Recital!!!

I'm late for posting this, but after 2 months of practice in class and even a private lesson, I had my first Bellydance recital this past May! Yaay!
Now, let me tell you, I was terrified. Borderline panicking. Why you ask? I just realized I'm a perfectionist and if something doesn't go as planned, I lose all my shit! So, while I was preparing for this performance, I wanted everything to be perfect. No flaws, no stumbles, no...ANYTHING! Which meant I woke up the next morning with my mental check-list on full-blast!!!! UUUUGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!! I did my best to try and relax by listening to my favorite music, taking Tess for a walk or even some yoga. Yeaaa, did not work. The closer and closer it got to the performance, I just kept taking deep breaths and talking to myself. Giving myself a little pep talk. One of my good friends, who is a makeup addict, did my makeup. I'm soo glad she was there that day! She was my makeup artist and my own personal chauffeur, so that took a lot of stress off my shoulders that day. Anyway, I made sure when I'm leaving out the door that afternoon, that I was going to have everything ready. I made sure everything was downstairs by the door, so when I was heading out, I had everything with me. Well, of course I forgot something. A couple of things. I panicked. *sigh* I forgot my friends tickets to get into the recital and my cover-up to go over my outfit, allll at the house! UUUGGGGGH!!! Luckily, my friend was very calm, cool and collected. She reminded me that my mom was at the house and to call her. *sigh* crisis avoided. Fifteen minutes later, we arrive at the auditorium and I must say, it was pretty neat to see all the other dancers walking in with their outfits and all their boxes full of goodies. Majority of the ladies there have already danced in many recitals in the past and they gave me soo much encouragement. It was nice to hear that they too have made mistakes in the past, but it didn't stop them from continuing the dance. They told me that the only person that knows your dance, is you. If you mess up, just smile through it and keep dancing. This helped me out a lot....until we were about to go on. *dry heaves* I was in the beginners group and we were the first to perform. *dry heaves* As soon as the lights dimmed, we were on!! Annddd..... IT WAS SOO AWESOME!!
Now, I did mess up a couple of times, but you know what? I had so fun, I just kept on going with it! It felt amazing at the end when everyone was applauding, doing zaghareets and all kinds of other bellydance noises. Even though, I know that I most likely will go through the same process of freaking out, I know that in the end I'll just dance through it and have a great time in the end! :D

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