(I'm really in a blogging mood tonight)
Well, there's something I have been wondering about and it has been bugging me for a while....why are people so obsessed with my Singledom?? *giggles* But as I get older it seems to be a topic people (family) loves to bring up when they see me. No,I never had a boyfriend and No, I am not a lesbian are my usual responses to the questions the like to throw at me. And then when they ask me "Why????", I just shrug.
I think I shrug, because if I do answer the question, I would answer it with a deep meaningful answer and they still wouldn't understand. *shrugs*
Anyhoo, as I get older I'm beginning to understand more of why I choose to stay single
One reason would be that...well...I'm a little (ALOT) shy around men. Especially ones that I'm attracted to. Its hard to talk this over with my BFF because she has never had this problem with guys. I have a feeling she's been good with talking to guys since birth! But I'm getting better....a little....kinda. I mean, I just don't SEE enough guys in my daily life to actually have a conversation with. I know, I know....I should get out more. Don't worry....I've been starting to do that too! #win
Second reason....the few guys that do show interest in me....I'm just not into them. *shrugs* A lot of people might say I'm being picky, but I just can't seem to fake an emotion just because a guy is FINALLY interested in me. I just can't and I'm not going to. Because if I did that, he wouldn't see the real me and I would like for someone to see how goofy, silly, and weird I am in the beginning.
Finally....I think I have a fear of commitment. (screams) I have never been in a relationship and the older I get and the more I learn about who Letti is...I just dont' feel like being bothered. Or I think its just that being in a relationship is something that is unknown to me and I'm a little afraid of the unknown. But yet, I want to face it at the same time and see what it's about.
To sum up allll of this, I think my main problem is that everyone is rushing me to be in a relationship whether its a good or not!! I know there is someone or someone's (hehehe) out there for me, I just want to enjoy my life until I meet them.
Is that so hard to ask?