Friday, August 13, 2010

Coldplay Rocks!!!

Good Evening!!! Tonight I would love to express the love that I have for one of my favorite bands ever.....COLDPLAY!!!! I will start off by telling you all how I came to love and appreciate this band....

My obsession with this band started one night I was watching television and this iphone/apple...*shrugs*...commercial came on. I actually enjoy commercials because a lot of them are pretty entertaining. Anyhoo, all of a sudden, Viva La Vida (I didn't know the title of the song at the time) starts to play on the commercial...something inside of me just LOVES that song!! Of course I logged on to Youtube to figure out who sings that song and what it was called!! EUREKA!!! I found out the song was called Viva La Vida and it was by this band named Coldplay..hmmm...Well eventually I became obsessed with Viva La Vida and decided to listen to other Coldplay songs...then it was Yellow..followed by Clocks, Fix You, In my Place, Talk, The Scientist and then soon I had ALL of their cds on repeat in my car!!! *Takes a deep breath*

Moving along, what makes everything even more exciting at the time, they were having a tour right here in the USA!!! WHOOOOHOOOO!! But the closet city to me was Atlanta, GA..road trip anyone?? The concert was awesome and me and one of really good friends had sooo much fun!!! *fast forwards about 6 months later* They extended their tour and are now coming to Charlotte!!! *squeals* Of course I just haaad to go!! And me and my friend enjoyed another awesome Coldplay concert, this time in our hometown!

The reason why I looove them soo much is because I enjoy the mellow tones of their songs and the whimsical lyrics that sounds like its telling a story ( I love stories). *sigh* So yea, Coldplay is awesome!!

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