Monday, August 22, 2011

First Day of the Last Semester

What am I doing right now? I'm basically BSing (bullshitting) in the computer lab on my campus. Today is the very first day of my very last semester of being an undergraduate. I had some very mixed emotions about this day. One, being that LAST YEAR could've been my last semester instead of this year (Thanks to my advisor) and I now have to take 3 classes just to meet some stupid requirements and have to fight for parking spots and buy books and do papers and get up for class and.......*sigh*....*takes deep breath*....So let's just say I'm pretty...really irritated at the fact that I didn't get ALL of the information the first time I asked for it. But on the brighside, with this last semester I can boost my GPA from a 2.7 to a 3.0 and I can also get my letter of recommendation from some of my teachers here on campus. I plan on going to Grad school someday and all of those things are a must have. Including some other things as well.

So, instead of raging and starting a riot against the advisors on my campus (I'm still thinking about it though), I'm just going to suck it up and make this the best semester ever!.....Or go crazy.

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