Sunday, September 29, 2013

A Picture and a Story

First time doing this in the morning..weird. Anyway, Good morning all!! I had an epiphany the other day while I was thinking about this guy I used to date. I remember how inconsistent he was with our dates and it got so bad, I finally broke it off with him. As continued with my thoughts, I realized how inconsistent I am. With everything. I would say I was going to do something and then stop. Perfect example, this blog. I actually enjoy writing on here, but then months go by and I haven't posted anything!! I wonder if that is why my friend tried to hook me up with him in the first place. She said he and I are just alike. He's a mess. I'm a mess. We would be perfect together!!! Nope. Which made me wonder if I'm doomed to always attract a guy who is as inconsistent as myself....*insert horror scream here*. Scary thought. Soooo, for the billionth time in my life and on this blog, I'm going to try to break this unhealthy streak by giving myself another challenge. I know most people do a monthly challenge. I'm giving myself at least a week. I decided to take pictures of something/anything that grabs my attention, post it on here and then write about it. Maybe a story, a silly comment, heck, anything!! The goal is to stay focus and consistent. *takes a deep breath* Here we go!!
My mom ordered some Chinese food the other the night and I always have a small love for their fortune cookies. For they're slightly sweet cookie and for the little piece of paper comes inside of them. I know they aren't real fortunes, but they make me smile all the same. When I pulled this one from the crispy shell of my cookie, I was super delighted by this message. Why? Because I just got off from work and I was tired. Very tired. My whole body was sore from all the walking and lifting that I did throughout the day and all I wanted to do was sit. And you know what I did for my "good time"? I took a hot shower, played with my dog, read a book and then went to sleep. How is that considered a good time, you say? I am an introvert. After talking and mingling with people all day, the one thing I enjoy after a day like that, is my peace and quiet. That's it.

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